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Act Now

Your actions matter. Every voice counts in the fight against gun violence, especially when it comes to safeguarding our children. Join advocates nationwide by taking action today and sending a powerful message to Congress about passing vital gun and school safety laws.

Critical federal bills are on the table, awaiting action by Congress. To help pass these bills, your elected officials need to hear from you. By supporting these laws, you can help prevent tragedies, shield our children, and, ultimately, save lives.

What You Can Do Right Now
to Pass Gun and School Safety Laws

Take Action

It will halt the sale of military-style firearms and large-capacity magazines. 1

Take Action

It provides support to enhance school safety solutions. 3

More Ways to Take Action

Supporters like you are part of a nationwide movement to end gun violence. When you take action, you’re helping create a country where guns are no longer one of the top killers of children.

Learn more about what you can do to help in your state and community.

Tell us how your community has benefitted from violence prevention programs.

Find out about key issues and how to educate your community. 

Let's work together to make meaningful change today!

Your donation to the Sandy Hook Promise Action Fund will help save lives by creating safer schools and communities. 

Get the latest information, policies,
and actions that can help keep our kids safe.

Victories for Student and Public Safety

Learn how action-takers like you have helped create real change and pass important laws. By standing up to protect our kids, our grassroots champions have been making progress toward safer schools and communities.


More Ways to Take Action

You Can Help Pass State Laws for Gun and School Safety

Interested in making an impact closer to home? You can join efforts at the state level, too. Our Action Fund team and grassroots supporters have helped mobilize thousands of supporters like you to take action in their state.  Discover how you can get involved by exploring our interactive map and visiting your state’s page.